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Circular & Notice Creation & Distribution

Flexy helps a regulatory body create & approve notices and distribute to internal and external stakeholders.

At this regulatory body, circulars were created as Word documents and then sent for approval. Once approved these distributed to internal and external parties. Audit trails were difficult to find as all activities were over email..

"Tracking down all the circulars created and sent by all the departments along with their approval audit trails was very time consuming"

Flexy to the Rescue!

Flexys were set up with pre-defined templates for circulars. Each one had it's approval flow based on the department that was creating the circular and whether it was to be released externally or not. Circular data was entered into Flexy's fields and then approved. Once fully approved, a synthetic document was generated with e-signatures printed on this, with a single click of a button, and then distributed to internal and external parties. All data was available in the circular database along with fully auditable history.


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